by Donna
It has long been my opinion that a great deal of man's effort in life goes into establishing a firm, ab- solute and positive identity. This struggle for identity so examplified by the Existentialist Philosophy, could be an important factor in determining why certain of us become transvestites.
When you give the universe and man in it a long ob- jective look, incorporating as much available informa- tion into your observation as possible, you get a real jolt. Man ceases to exist....
To date we have been unable to find an end, much less a beginning, to the universe. Thanks to Einstein and his Theory Of Relativity we find that even a simple thing like time has no concrete value. We sit here on this speck of nothingness called Earth and have the idea that we mean something to the universe. This is worth a good chuckle or two in itself.
Further, thanks for the annihilation of man goes to the confirmation of Einstein's belief that mass and energy are the same thing in different states of being. With this, we have another rug of illusion pulled out from under us.
Nothing is solid. Time does not exist. Man is too small to be anything in the universe. Further, a given man has no real identity in relation to the rest of man- kind. There are just too many of us. The population of our large cities numbers in the millions and the world population is exploding beyond the comprehension of our most learned scientists and sociologists. This, if I may drop into the vernacular of beatism, is a real hang up..
If we
are truely objective in our observation of the